Shakhboz Razzokov

I am passionate about researching and programming for social good!


Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Bachelor of Science
Petroleum Engineering

CGPA: 4.58 out of 5.00

September 2018 - July 2023

Academic Lyceum of Computer Technology, Shakhrisabz, Uzbekistan

Diploma of Academic Lyceum in Exact Sciences

Grade: 5.00 out of 5.00

September 2015 - June 2018

First specialized boarding school, Shakhrisabz, Uzbekistan

Grade: 4.91 out of 5.00

September 2010 - May 2015


Software Engineer

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) in Tashkent

Key Responsibilities

  • Designing algorithms and flowcharts to create new software programs and systems for the university
  • Developing in-house application components the administration of University asks
  • Analyzing data to effectively coordinate the installation of new systems or the modification of existing systems
  • Optimizing University's website for maximum speed and scalability on a daily basis
  • Troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining and improving existing software of the university
  • Executing full software development life cycle
  • Helping professors, workers and students with using information technologies, including internal system applications, the university's learning management system and software provided by our department

Key Achievements

  • Developed the Admission Management System of the university for the first time in its history
  • Created 20+ applications and software
  • Collaborated in creating the most popular web and mobile application for students, professors and the Dean's Office of the university

June 2021 - July 2022

Research and Publications

Iklassov, Z., Medvedev, D., Nazarov, O., Razzokov, Sh., 2022, Nov. AI for Porosity and Permeability Prediction from Geologic Core X-Ray Micro-Tomography. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13189. []

Bobokhujaev, Sh., Razzokov, Sh., Nazarov, O., 2022, Nov. The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas industry: Selected papers from “Innovative Activity in Science and Education is a key factor in the development of Oil and Gas industry” International Conference 2022 (pp. 699-702). []

Bobokhujaev, Sh., Razzokov, Sh., 2023, Feb. The role and place of Artificial Intelligence in the activities of Petroleum Engineer: Selected papers from “Actual problems of modern science, technology and education” 81st International Scientific and Technical Conference (pp. 280). []

Courses and Certificates

  • Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera (DeepLearning.AI) - ongoing
  • Math for Machine Learning - AWS Training & Certification - February, 2023
  • The Elements of Data Science - AWS Training & Certification - January, 2023
  • MohirFest Digital Bootcamp - Mohirdev - December, 2022
  • Machine Learning - Coursera (Stanford Online) - July, 2022
  • Data Science Summer School 2022 - Hertie School Data Science Lab - July-August, 2022
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Coursera (IBM Skills Network) - May, 2022
  • AI For Everyone - Coursera (DeepLearning.AI) - April, 2022
  • Python for Data Science - SoloLearn - March, 2022
  • JavaScript - SoloLearn - June, 2021
  • Building AI and neural networks - University of Artificial Intelligence - May, 2021
  • Front End Development Track - Udacity (One Million Uzbek Coders) - October, 2020
  • E-commerce - IT-Park Uzbekistan - August, 2020
  • CSS Fundamentals course - SoloLearn - July, 2020
  • HTML Fundamentals course - SoloLearn - June, 2020


  • 1st place with my team among 40 teams in MohirFest22 hackathon, where 27 000+ people attended all around the Republic of Uzbekistan initially and were chosen 784 of them after tests for the semi-final, and 120 were selected for the final after doing video pitch as 40 teams, Dec 24, 2022.
  • Certificate of Appreciation was received for active participation in “Oil and Gas Innovation week” by the Deputy Minister of Innovative Development, Nov 23, 2022.
  • Certificate of Participation for active participation in “Innovative Activity in Science and Education is a key factor in the development of Oil and Gas industry” International Conference 2022.
  • Certificate of Appreciation was presented to me in recognition of my participation as Delegate of UNESCO at Asia Youth International Model United Nations Virtual Conference “Pursuing Global Peace and Prosperity”, May, 2022.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for participation in International Symposium at Asia Youth International Model United Nations Virtual Conference “Pursuing Global Peace and Prosperity”, May, 2022.
  • Certificate of Participation for participation in the International week of Innovative ideas “ - 2021”, Nov, 2021.
  • 1st place in the contest for the design of the Board of Trustees stand of Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University (National Research University) in Tashkent, Sep, 2021.
  • Certificate for participation in the Republican stage of Online Olympiad in Informatics and IT, June, 2021.
  • Certificate of Participation for participation in the International week of Innovative ideas “ - 2020”, Nov, 2020.
  • Certificate of Participation in Front End Development Track in One Million Uzbek Coders, July, 2020.
  • Diploma for active participation in “Actual Problems of Chemistry” Forum Contest 2019.
  • Certificate of Honour for creative initiative and active participation in the cultural movement of Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University (National Research University) in Tashkent.


Web Content Writer

One Million Uzbek Coders Community

Involved with - publishing blog content in AI and Computer Science in Community of One Million Uzbek Coders project established by the Ministry of IT (Uzbekistan) and Dubai Future Foundation (UAE) for providing high-quality and affordable IT education to the general public in Uzbekistan, creating a new generation of IT specialists to meet the market's need for IT service.

Key Achievements - №1 content writer during December 2020 - July 2021; created 200+ posts.

October 2020 - Present

Event Coordinator

Global Business Club (Globuc)

Involved with - serving as the host and ambassador for the event personally responsible for supporting onsite execution and management of the conference; providing information and assistance to the conference attendees, sponsors, and speakers represented by senior oil and gas executives from over 25 countries.

October 2022

Event Coordinator

Mehr 2020 project

Involved with - serving as the host and providing opportunities for orphan children to enjoy the entertainment park, guiding them to playground equipment, and taking care of their safety during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.

April - May 2022


Programming languages
  • Python, C++, JavaScript, MATLAB, Octave
Technologies, Frameworks, Environments and Platforms
  • Integrated Development Environments including VS Code, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, PyCharm, Google Colaboratory.
  • The HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Bootstrap, SVG, Git, GitHub.
Computer-aided design (CAD) software
  • AutoCAD, KOMPAS-3D.
Design software
  • Figma, Adobe Photoshop.
  • Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite.
Soft skills
  • Communication, Leadership, Teamwork, Critical thinking, Problem solving
  • Uzbek - Native Language
  • Russian - Bilingual Proficiency
  • English (IELTS 7.0) - Full Professional Proficiency